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Here are some common questions and tips on Atlanta GA snake removal...

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When you are looking for solutions about Atlanta snake removal - you are probably trying to find more about solving the issue of having to know a snake is in the house. Not a problem - we can help you!

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Atlanta snake removal FAQ

quick snake removal atlanta

The snakes will leave on their own if there is no longer any food to attract them.

They are probably feeding on rats, mice, voles gophers, frogs, lizards, and other small mammals and amphibians.

They also occasionally climb trees to eat eggs and birds too young to fly.

Scare away the birds so they don't nest in the area. Make sure don't have any mice, voles, rats, etc. anywhere nearby. And you'll also need a way to keep them away, because without their natural predator, they will thrive and the population will explode, which will bring the snakes back.

available atlanta snake removal

Snakes being in your garden is the natural way; you're trying to force an unnatural arrangement upon nature. They're no different than bees, butterflies, birds, and spiders. If you don't want them in your garden, don't have a garden.

They're there because thier prey is there. And thier prey is there because the prey's food (insects, your plants) is there.

You planted a garden because you presumably wanted a little bit more nature in your life. You're now complaining that you now have more nature. You can't pick and choose when it comes to wildlife.

There are no natural, nor synthetic, chemical snake repellants that actually work. They're all, ironically, snake oil.

You could put up fine netting, but this will likely result in every small animal getting tangled in it and dying.

You could try glue traps, but, once again, these will kill everything if you don't remove the animals stuck in them.

You could try killing them, but this is illegal in more states (even for venomous snakes) and is how most snakebites occur. It also leaves pest populations unchecked.

Really, there are no permanent solutions outside of building a greenhouse around your garden.

Temporarially, you can relocate any snakes you find. For nonvenomous snakes, simply pick the snake up, support the front 2/3s of its body from underneath, and let it wrap around your arm. DO NOT pin the head; its unneeded, stresses the animal out, and can easily harm them. Take them somewhere else with plenty of vegetation no more than 1/4 mile away and release them. For venomous snakes, its best to either call an expert or take a venomous snake handling course, such as is offered by the Rattlesnake Conservancy, place it in a bucket using a hook or snake tongs, and relocate it no more than 1/4 mile.

Your best option, however, is to just leave them be. If you get rid of one, another will take its place. I'm sure you'd rather have a rat snake over a rattlesnake in your garden. Or even a rattlesnake that is acustomed to your presence over one that is not.

No snake is going to attack you, your kids, or your pets; they just want to be left alone. Teach your kids to leave them alone and not be afraid of them. Keep cats indoors. Get snake avoidance training for dogs.

If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. This rattlesnake, for example, was less than two feet from my leg and was completely indifferent towards me as I was not freaking out. He was, however, upset with the snake tongs that were being used to grab him.

atlanta snake removal

Remove whatever is attracting them in the first place like heavy mulch and overgrown shrubs. If it's a drought, they are looking for damp spaces and water. Wear rubber boots that go up to your knees and heavy gloves when you are out doing yard work. Most snakes are perfectly harmless and are busy eating bad bugs. Learn the good ones and the dangerous ones in your area so you'll know which to avoid.

The BEST option is to leave it to the pros. Let Atlanta snake removal deal with all that for you. Give us a call and we can walk you through it..

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Here are Some Tips Shared by snake removal in


How to Get Rid of Snakes in the House

Snakes can be poisonous and can hurt you, your pets, your children or anyone else. They can bunk inside your house without your knowledge and pose many other serious health risks apart from the obvious risk of a snake bite! While mostly the best way to get rid of snakes is to look for professional Snake Removal Services, sometimes you may be able to handle the situation yourself. Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of these reptiles from your property.

Invest in a snake trap

The traps work best when the snake is inside your house. These traps are glue based and work like a charm on insects or creepy crawlies that are on the ground. However, it is advisable to not use them outside your home as they can hurt innocent animals and critters that are not even a threat to you. Only use snake traps if you see one inside your house.

Make your home less attractive to the animals

The reason why you have a snake in your house is because you live in an area where there are a lot of snakes and/or your property has features that makes it an attractive and safe option for these animals. If your home has lot of hiding spots like debris, then it appears to be a secure spot for snakes to hide and breed. These places are easy to crawl and they can remain virtually undetected for as long as they like! Even the experts at snake removal services will first look for such areas that are easy hiding spots for these animals. Sometimes, when your home has untamed vegetation that too works as an attractive snake habitat. This is why you need to eliminate all such areas that prove to be perfect hiding spots, fill the gaps underneath the rocks, and install fine mesh sloping to stop the snakes from crawling in. Also look around the perimeter and seal any openings on your property that can make your home accessible.

Take help from a professional

Even though there are many in-house remedies that can fix the problem but don't forget that these animals are venomous and if mishandled can be a grave threat. Professional snake removal service is your bet if you cannot handle the situation on your own. Snake traps or snake repellents will work only up to a certain point, but if you need proper inspection of the property, cleaning after their mess and humane removal of snakes then you should in fact call a removal service. These professionals are trained to handle wild animals. They will extract them from your property and release them into their natural habitat, where they actually belong!


Snakes can be poisonous and can hurt you, your pets, your children or anyone else. They can bunk inside your house without your knowledge and pose many other serious health risks apart from the obvious risk of a snake bite! While mostly the best way to get rid of snakes is to look for professional Snake Removal Services, sometimes you may be able to handle the situation yourself. Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of these reptiles from your property.

Invest in a snake trap

The traps work best when the snake is inside your house. These traps are glue based and work like a charm on insects or creepy crawlies that are on the ground. However, it is advisable to not use them outside your home as they can hurt innocent animals and critters that are not even a threat to you. Only use snake traps if you see one inside your house.

Make your home less attractive to the animals

The reason why you have a snake in your house is because you live in an area where there are a lot of snakes and/or your property has features that makes it an attractive and safe option for these animals. If your home has lot of hiding spots like debris, then it appears to be a secure spot for snakes to hide and breed. These places are easy to crawl and they can remain virtually undetected for as long as they like! Even the experts at snake removal services will first look for such areas that are easy hiding spots for these animals. Sometimes, when your home has untamed vegetation that too works as an attractive snake habitat. This is why you need to eliminate all such areas that prove to be perfect hiding spots, fill the gaps underneath the rocks, and install fine mesh sloping to stop the snakes from crawling in. Also look around the perimeter and seal any openings on your property that can make your home accessible.

Take help from a professional

Even though there are many in-house remedies that can fix the problem but don't forget that these animals are venomous and if mishandled can be a grave threat. Professional snake removal service is your bet if you cannot handle the situation on your own. Snake traps or snake repellents will work only up to a certain point, but if you need proper inspection of the property, cleaning after their mess and humane removal of snakes then you should in fact call a removal service. These professionals are trained to handle wild animals. They will extract them from your property and release them into their natural habitat, where they actually belong!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9201845

Snakes can be poisonous and can hurt you, your pets, your children or anyone else. They can bunk inside your house without your knowledge and pose many other serious health risks apart from the obvious risk of a snake bite! While mostly the best way to get rid of snakes is to look for professional Snake Removal Services, sometimes you may be able to handle the situation yourself. Here are some of the things you can do to get rid of these reptiles from your property.

Invest in a snake trap

The traps work best when the snake is inside your house. These traps are glue based and work like a charm on insects or creepy crawlies that are on the ground. However, it is advisable to not use them outside your home as they can hurt innocent animals and critters that are not even a threat to you. Only use snake traps if you see one inside your house.

Make your home less attractive to the animals

The reason why you have a snake in your house is because you live in an area where there are a lot of snakes and/or your property has features that makes it an attractive and safe option for these animals. If your home has lot of hiding spots like debris, then it appears to be a secure spot for snakes to hide and breed. These places are easy to crawl and they can remain virtually undetected for as long as they like! Even the experts at snake removal services will first look for such areas that are easy hiding spots for these animals. Sometimes, when your home has untamed vegetation that too works as an attractive snake habitat. This is why you need to eliminate all such areas that prove to be perfect hiding spots, fill the gaps underneath the rocks, and install fine mesh sloping to stop the snakes from crawling in. Also look around the perimeter and seal any openings on your property that can make your home accessible.

Take help from a professional

Even though there are many in-house remedies that can fix the problem but don't forget that these animals are venomous and if mishandled can be a grave threat. Professional snake removal service is your bet if you cannot handle the situation on your own. Snake traps or snake repellents will work only up to a certain point, but if you need proper inspection of the property, cleaning after their mess and humane removal of snakes then you should in fact call a removal service. These professionals are trained to handle wild animals. They will extract them from your property and release them into their natural habitat, where they actually belong!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9201845

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